inside you there's an artist you don't know about . . .
say yes quickly, if you know,if you've known it
from before the beginning of the universe.
~ jalai ud-din rumi

dear ollee n bee ~

tradition has it that i generally buy white flowers on new year's eve in celebration of a clean, fresh new start for the first days of the new year.

well, i haven't been to town since last year *snort*, so i haven't picked up my lovely white blooms, yet!

as i was lamenting this, and perhaps being open to other possibilities, i realized that i did indeed still have something white and fresh to start the year off with ... and it was right there in my hands, holding my morning java.

my new A cup, a christmas gift from our son visiting from afar, signifies much more than the initial of my first name. in fact, when he gave it to me, i gave an extra squeal of delight jess! the A stands for artist!  

uh, ya mom was his responseas if i was a little off  that day. *smirk*

what he didn't know was that his ol mom has embarked on a most exhilarating journey, beyond her familiar graphic design art, to find her true artist's way.

together, with my kindred spirit mayv, we have set sail to live fully creative lives with julia cameron's brilliant guidance through her book the artist's way.

there is a great deal of work to be done, but more than ever i am open to what lies ahead ... to truly find my artist's way ... and i believe i will with each sip from my A artist cup.

love you,

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two | three.sixty.five

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