Rahaf Harfoush
Yes We Did: Strategic Insights and Social Media
from the Campaign that Changed History
Hope. Change. Action. In this talk, Rahaf Harfoush provides an insider's look at Barack Obama's all-encompassing -- and, yes, historic -- social media campaign. In terms of strategy, how do you plan, roll out, and grow a campaign that gets noticed, that goes viral, that people make their own, but which always comes back, time and again, to your message?
Fang Wan, Ph.D
Professor Fang Wan is currently teaching at the Asper School of Business of the University of Manitoba, Canada. Her spitfire presentation leaves one breathless.
Juliette Powell
Juliette Powell is a media entrepreneur, a community catalyst and the author of 33 Million People In The Room: How to Create, Influence, and Run a Successful Business with Social Networking, (January 2009, Financial Times Press).