lovely ollee n bee ~

well, yesterday was indeed a love day. 

it all started down the road. our farm neighbour's cows have had a great go having calves in the last few days ~ most recently fourteen arriving in twelve hours! to say the least mr. and mrs. w are getting exhausted with little sleep tending to their herd. they recruited me to help them yesterday. i was in my absolute glory helping move cattle from pen to pen to barn to pen. we needled new calves, bottle fed a little one, watered, fed and the last 'chore' of the day for me was to help get a 'gal' into a chute so they could tend to a sore looking eye. just as we were about to begin, mr. w hollers from the 'to be momma's' pen we've got two calving ~ the legs are coming out of this one girl!  mr. and mrs. w hurried to get a couple of freshly bedded straw pens ready in the barn and then guided the most labouring girl in. we settled in to wait and watch and watch and wait. this momma was a heifer so this was her first time having a calf and she was a bit puzzled as to what was going on. after a while, mr. w slipped quietly into the pen and skillfully assisted by gently pulling the calf while the momma pushed. it was wondrous and beautiful. but the part that sends tingles is when that first time momma instinctively knew to lick and lick her baby clean ~ pure love. i loved being a part of what these amazing farmers love so much. i don't think they would trade any love token in the world for what they do.

after we scraped the remains of my labours off the bottoms of my boots, i tootled off home stopping at our mailbox. i was already flying high but when i saw MY parcel in that box, i nearly burst my seams! my rough linen orkney pinafore had arrived ~ eeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

it was wrapped so thoughtfully and prettily, i almost was hesitant to untie the ribbon. but, of course i did and promptly slipped it on. mmmmm, everything and more ...

tricia, at rough linen asked those of us who have purchased her pinafore to share our images. i took these photos in my studio today. while the glass of this vintage mirror is less than perfect, my pinafore is more than perfect! thank you, tricia. while i promise to not wear it while helping the neighbours with their cattle, i will wear and cherish it while cooking, cleaning, creating, gardening, taking photos, playing with our pooch ~ it's going to be on me for just about every little thing in my day!

as you can see, i have read my little card with the washing instructions and will take very good care of it!

for tricia, for my family here and in orkney, for all who know the magic of ork ~ this is for you ...

isles ne'er forgotten
be your sons afar alone,
or ringed they be, by their ain native sea
waes hale, they drink tae their own

oh the love,

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forty.six | three.sixty.five

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